Sundays 9am | Wednesdays 3:30 - 5pm
First Kids meets Sundays at 9am in age level groups for Bible study. Our lower elementary groups (K-2nd) learn the Bible through a variety of ways, including cooking, art, science, theatre, and digital media. Our upper elementary group (3rd-5th) or Pre-Teen Class, studies the Action Bible. First Kids is led by our Children's Director, Chandra Sorrells.
Wonderful Wednesday is the mid week children's discipleship program for grades K-5th that meets during the school year from 3:30-5pm for snack, games, Bible study, and music. Children who attend Gilmer ISD or Harmony ISD have the option of riding the church bus after school. Every second Sunday during the school year children have the option to sing during the 10am Traditional Service.
Here at First Kids we believe that every child should engage with the Bible. To help you with that, YouVersion partnered with OneHope to develop the Bible App for Kids, designing it specifically to engage children with Bible stories on an age appropriate level. It introduces children to 41 of the "big" Bible stories and helps them understand the overall story that the Bible is telling. Download it today!
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